Home not away from home

Bizarre situations hold no terror for me anymore.  I just accept them as fact and roll merrily along with them.  I mean if you find yourself in a weird or off-putting situation why work yourself up over it?  Just look at it as matter of fact and get on with your day.

I decided to finish the remodeling project on my house.  It has taken 3 years to get the floors done but finally it will be finished.   Don’t even ask how much it cost me but finally it’ll be done.

Part of the problem is that in order to do it I had to abandon my bedroom and my home office to let the men work.  One gets used to having things just so and to have your daily routine suddenly totally wrecked can be disconcerting.  Still we need to soldier on, don’t we?

So after a week of cramming things into plastic storage bins and shuttling up and down the stairs I finally got moved out.  My plan was to work from the dining room and sleep on the rough finished bedroom upstairs but those plans went to hell almost immediately.

The men had to bring in lumber supplies and nearly squeezed me out of my dining room office.  They took apart the bed and stuffed it into a corner and said they might be done in 3 days.

The office dilemma was easy to cope with.  By crawling over my boxes I could get into my office chair and work.

The sleeping arrangement however was unexpected.  So I found myself having to leave the house and sleep at a nearby hotel.  Walking distance from my house.

It’s bizarre to see the neighborhood from a different perspective.  The same area but from a different angle.  The spatial relationships are off for me. The local main street is much closer and the supermarket is farther away.

I wouldn’t call it a cheap motel.  But it’s definitely…. lived in?  It’s one of those places with a kitchenette in the room and the hallway alternates smells of tobacco where someone has surreptitiously smoked or the pungent aroma of someone that’s made up a curry on the little stove.  Mostly inhabited by out of towners that came in for a seminar or training session at the hotel or families traveling the country or just people displaced for one reason or another.

Jogging in the morning takes a different perspective.  The relative distances have to all be recalculated.  And of course I have to go home to work every morning.


But I can look upstairs each evening and I can see the work progress.  I hope to have some pictures up soon of what I think will be a major improvement in my living condition..


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