Category Archives: Health


An acquaintance of mine is starting to take his health seriously.  This takes me about 4 years ago and to my decision to get fit.  Oh how clueless I was about it all.

So many things to learn, so many things to decide and to actually start doing.  I don’t envy him the learning curve that he’s going to have to go through.  Learning the ropes was a nightmare to me.  But I have to admit that I’m glad I took the plunge and committed myself to a healthier lifestyle.  Without that radical change in my habits I think I would be in serious jeopardy right now as far as my health goes.

The food portion of my plan was and still is the hardest part.  I can get a handle on the exercise portion.  Even though I may complain from time to time I keep to my fitness regimen.  The food though…

Finding something that my system would be satisfied with was a huge hurdle but I was finally able to find something that I could eat on a regular basis and keep my palette from getting bored or feeling empty.  Still, all it takes is one over indulgence to ruin an entire day’s work.

But from time to time you do have to give yourself that indulgence.  Your body is a bit of a child and will rebel if you don’t give in every once in a while.  A couple of cookies here, a slice of pizza there, something from the naughty side of the menu.

The trick is to keep a check on those indulgences.  My acquaintance related how he plans to cut his alcohol intake and only drink a few nights a week.  Hopefully he will learn how quickly calories from alcohol can add up and how slowly they burn off and how long it takes to burn them off on the jogging trails.  Time and effort will teach him.  It taught me.

ebb and flow

3:43 AM

I don’t want to do this.  I just want to skip today and sleep late.  Sit up in bed.  What will it hurt to skip a couple of days.


I get up and start changing into my running gear


6:57 PM

I finished a chapter last week and I have no clue as to where to take the story now.

Sit and stare, sit and stare.  Nothing comes to mind.

Pace the room, read a magazine, look at a website.  Still nothing.  I start typing something.  anything.  Hope that a story will resolve itself from the effort.


9:01 AM

A pile of emails.  Requests, inquiries, return emails, phone messages.  So much to do.  Where to start?  How to start?  Where will I get the enthusiasm to tackle it all?  Start, one email at a time.


Energy is like that.  Some days you spring out of bed, fresh as a daisy.  Other days not so much.  When you’re young you have that energy to spare and you can disregard those low energy days.  As you age it gets more difficult.  Exercise and a good diet can help mitigate that to an extent but you also have to admit that sometimes it’s overwhelming.

But the thing is that you can’t give in to the lethargy.  Nothing good comes out of that.  You slip on one day and then another and soon you’ve got a bad habit going.  So you soldier on as best as possible.  If you’ve built up a routine over the years this will help you carry on during these spells of low energy.  Force of habit is a good motivator.  But what will get you across is just a sheer stubborn will not to give in.

You have to stand up straight and continue on regardless of how low on energy you feel.  No dramatic declarations of intent, no promises of rest as a reward at the end.  Just a determination to get things done.

Underneath the skin

I came out of the Alamo drafthouse last night around 9:30 and walked to my car when I heard the familiar whistle of my Gmail account.  Something had come in.  Wireless signals inside the movie house are terrible and this email had just now caught up with me.  To my surprise it was an email from

My results were in.

Back in late October I had heard about this service that was offering low-cost genetic testing.  After a couple of weeks of vacillating I finally decided to try it.  They sent me a testing kit by mail.  I had to fill up a small tube full of saliva and I mailed it back.  I had begun to give up hope of hearing back from these folks and I certainly didn’t expect it on a Saturday night.  I rushed home and logged in and spent the next 2 hours reviewing the results.

I should add a little background here.  23andme provides several different types of genetic tests.  They can test for inherited diseases, traits, genetic ancestry, probable blood type.  Just all sorts of things that your DNA can reveal about you.  For somewhat debatable reasons the FDA claims that this type of genetic testing of your health risks is “dangerous to the public”. I feel that this has more to do with vested interests in the health industry not wanting people to take charge of their own health but that’s a subject for another blog.

They threatened to drag the company into court if they did not stop providing this service.  As a consequence of this 23andme no longer does health screenings by genetic testing.  They only provide testing for ancestry now.  I bought my testing kit just before the FDA restraining order came into effect so I still get my health screening.

So onto what you guys are looking for, the results.  So obviously we are going into the health risks first. I will say up front that I am not going to post my entire health report online.  Firstly it’s private and I don’t feel like I want to share it all.  Secondly the results do not tell me that I have a certain condition, they only give me the probability that I may develop a condition.  I see it not as a definitive test but as something to be on the lookout for.  Lastly, it’s pretty dull.

The results are not too surprising to me given my family history.  I have a slightly higher risk for heart disease and diabetes.  Nothing new to me.  What was surprising was that I am at a higher risk for celiac disease.  To me this just reinforces my belief that I need to exercise more and watch my diet closer, specially as I become older.

higher risk for Asthma.  I did have some childhood asthma

slightly higher risk for Alopecia.  dodged that bullet.

Two things that worried me were actually lower risks.  Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  Now, you can certainly develop Parkinson’s from environmental factors and the test makes it clear that this does not mean I won’t develop these but it does mean that I am at less of a risk for these.

Lower risk of Melanoma.  I am darker skinned after all but I’m not going to lay out in the sun all day long.

Lower risk of multiple sclerosis.

Lower risk of colorectal cancer.  That doesn’t mean I can go out and party though.  Of course there’s many other results.

Onto traits. One of the more interesting results is something that I have suspected for a while.  My body is less responsive to exercise than the average person.  This means I derive less benefit from the same workout that others are doing.  I need to increase my workout to get the same benefit.

Based on my genetics my muscle response is more similar to a sprinter than a long distance runner.  So while I can do long distance races I would probably do better in the short track events.  So much for my 2016 Olympics marathon aspirations.

Male pattern baldness?  typical odds.  I would have thought higher odds.

Longevity?  Higher than normal odds of living to 100 years.  True, specially in my father’s side.

Freckling. typical

eye color. tends to brown

hair. tends to curlier

food tendency.  more towards sweet foods.  Need to watch that.

Blood type,  A+

Dozens of other traits here.

Moving onto ancestry.

I was somewhat disappointed that I only carry 2.6% neanderthal ancestry.  Actually slightly lower than the average 2.7%

In molecular evolution, a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotype that share a common ancestor having the same single nucleotide polymorphism mutation in all haplotypes.

On my mother’s side I come from the B2b sub group, a subset of the B4’5 haplogroup,  This is an older group that originated in Asia about 50,000 years ago and migrated across the Pacific to the west coast of the Americas.

On my father’s side I come from the J2b2* subgroup, a subset of the J2 haplogroup.  This group originated in Anatolia and the Caucasus mountains around 18,000 years ago.

My complete ancestry composition is not ready yet so I don’t have all that ready to review but it’s not that consequential to me.  I’m here already after all.

So what does it all mean?  Mainly that I am a pretty average American suburbanite.  Not specially gifted in any significant way but then again not too burdened either.  I need to keep a close eye on my health and become more regimented in my lifestyle choices but odds are that I will live a fairly full and long life.

Was it a worthwhile exercise?  I think so.  If nothing else it opens up my eyes to what’s going on inside of me and gives me a better handle of what I can do to improve my life.





morning stretch

My eyes open to darkness.  I’m laying on my stomach.  I don’t so much wake up as come back to life.  Psychologists and those that study the mind say that everyone dreams even if they don’t remember it.  I don’t believe this.  For the most part when my eyes close everything shuts down and it’s a major effort to reboot everything.

Regardless, it’s time to get up.  I turn to my left.  My right leg goes forward and up at a 45 degree angle.  I curl and uncurl my toes slowly.  I flex the leg at the knee.  A bit of a twinge.

I slowly turn over to the right with my upper torso going first and my lower torso holding.  Vertebrae pop and creak in response.  I lay on my right and stretch my left leg now.

Back to my left and I sit up.  Hold my arms straight out from my chest and interlace the fingers.  Pull them back to my body and hear pops as the joints bend.  Raise my arms up over my head stretching almost trying to pull them off my body.  Lower my left arm perpendicular to my body and push it with my right hand back behind me.  A multiple series of popping noises.  Do the same for my right.

Everything all stretched out properly.  Now I want to go back to bed.


Everybody gets that out of energy funk once in a while.

I don’t mean that “I’m tired” feeling that you get after a long workout or a hard day at work but a general lazy feeling that lasts for days. You have no urge to do your regular work, exercise, or take up your hobbies.  You’re just listless.  You have to justify your daily routine to yourself and half the time you really can’t.

It started last Sunday morning.  I used the excuse of coming home late to skip my run, and then Monday I woke up two minutes late.  Now again this morning.  Didn’t even try to excuse it, just turned over in bed.

I’ve experienced it before and the only thing that works is to get out there and will myself out of it.  These doldrums have come in the past and usually this was the remedy.  Of course I will try again but it seems to be harder and harder as I age to do this anymore.

Maybe it’s a part of my natural cycle?  Last week I did have a couple of high energy days after all.  Maybe it’s food related?  Some vitamin or mineral lacking in my diet?

Whatever the cause I have to break out of it.  Too many things going on in my life for me to let these doldrums continue.


Energy and stamina

For the longest time I felt dull and listless.  I imagined that this was the way that life worked.  You grew older and you ran down on energy. The thing is that I so readily accepted this because it was so easy to slip into that mindset.  The vicious circle was that I would eat junk food which sapped my energy, which made me want to do nothing, which made me somewhat depressed which made me want to eat.

Took a lot to break that cycle.  Took even more to keep it broken.  Those first few weeks…  Coming home after just half an hour of walking at night, bathed in sweat, achy, tired.  But you have to commit and you can’t expect instant or even near instant results.

For weeks I kept going out, I researched and researched health and fitness and my eating habits on the net.  I learned that a healthy person takes about 10000 steps a day and a fit person about 12500.  I bought a cheap little pedometer and found that I took about 2500 steps a day.  Some figuring and measuring and I determined I had to do at least 5 miles a day to be healthy or 6 and a half miles a day to be fit, so those became my initial targets.  Walk in the morning, in the afternoon, and night.  Add it all up and come up with my targets.  Later I would do that in one go but that took a long time.

Eating came next and in many ways it was tougher.  I read up on what minimum amount of calories I needed a day and came out with 1800 to 2000 per day.  I was around 3500 to 4000 a day.  An immediate cut in my calories.  I tried to negotiate with myself as to junk food.  I got the health guides from the restaurants and tried to come up with 1800 calorie menus but the thing is that those health guides may be right about the calories but it’s calories with a lot of starch, a lot of sugars, a lot of fats.  Three of the toughest things to burn off.  I had to get myself away from these things and that was a long, long battle.  In some ways it continues to this day.

The thing is that you don’t really see a result.  You can try to go the weight scale route and get super happy when you lose five pounds and depressed again when you gain back three but I put a stop to that early on.  No need to stress my emotions on top of everything.

My scale of success was how I was able to increase my daily mileage over time.  How I one day just broke out and began running, how I stopped coming home out of breath and feeling half dead and started coming home more relaxed and energetic.

I never got that magic moment when I could proclaim “you’re healthy!”  I have started getting those looser clothing moments, I have begun to see some definition in the bulges, and a lift in my mood, but I doubt that I will ever be able to say  that “I’ve made it”

Self Image and self improvement

I’ve always wondered how a person differentiates between self improvement, things meant solely to improve your life, and conceits, things that just feel good or make you look good.

I would like to think of myself as wholly pragmatic (most people would) but that isn’t so.  I have done many things in my life just for pleasure’s sake and usually with consequences.  However I hope that I’ve finally outgrown this.

All I can do here is review some of these decisions.


I never appreciated the amount of abuse that I put my body through in my younger days.  By my late thirties my body was a wreck.  I didn’t realize it at the time but my metabolism was working in overdrive to keep up with the massive amounts of calories that I was shoveling in.  One day it quit.  I began piling on the pounds, I was pre-diabetic and getting dizzy spells and realized my body needed desperate help.

My body has responded well to exercise and self control (far, far better than I have to right to expect) and I am now on my way back.  Now below the weight that I once considered acceptable I am hoping to reach my own weight goal by the Fall and the accepted weight norms by next year.  Whatever happens, this is likely be part of my lifestyle from now on.


My mother always wants me to do something with my hair.  As if some exotic or new hair style will distract from the male pattern baldness that I see in my brothers, my dad, and every other male on both sides of the family.  All I can do is keep it short as that seems to look best.

I don’t fear baldness.  I fear the “comb over” stage that comes in between.  Of becoming one of those old men that needs wigs, or transplants, or whatever to cling to their youth.  I hope that I can be brave enough take it all off when the time comes.


Admittedly a conceit.  I’ve always had a boyish face and perceived it as a minus.  i never cared for that perception among my peers as I thought it made them take me less seriously.  So I began with a mustache and graduated to a beard years ago.  I may want to look younger one day and may shave it off but for now it stays.  People know me by the beard and expect it.

Jewelry and clothes

My dad bought me an engraved silver bracelet for graduation.  Never wore it.  I loathe fancy things.  They just seem so prissy and unnecessary.  I do wear my Aggie ring but as a sign of fellowship to my fellow former students.  i do also have a nice watch, which hasn’t had a new battery in years and probably needs one.  Shows how much I use it.

In clothes I have become much more practical.  Going from what was considered stylish and up to date to just wearing what feels comfortable has been a blessing.  My life is simplified by not having to keep up with trends and fashions.  I recognize the need for such types of clothes from time to time and I keep a suit handy (which is probably too big now) but other than that it’s a basic closet.

Life decisions or a lack thereof

I’ve wasted so much time on minutiae, little trivial matters, things that really weren’t worth my time.  Chasing after a good time on the weekends, chasing petty little material goals, keeping company with people that weren’t worth my time.  These experiences have given me a wealth of stories to tell but they haven’t really contributed that much to my situation.

When I got into social networking and started reconnecting to folks that I knew from way back when and they told me their stories of families, careers, and goals met I looked at my life and started to wonder where the time had gone.  I started realizing that I had been living and reliving the exact same weekend for years.

I know that I never became a drug addict or an alcoholic or ended up in a bad marriage or any of the other serious pitfalls in life but I could have done so much better with what I was given at the time and that’s a painful realization to make.

I’m not saying that I have it all figured out and planned now or that it’s going to work out as I envision it or that it may not change.

I do however say that I am more awake now than I have been in years.



The federal budget and weight loss

A few silly similes, muddled metaphors, and addled analogies concerning weight loss and how the US government spends money.

If you think about it, the way the federal government taxes and spends is a perfect method for losing weight.


At the beginning of a health and fitness regimen you need to be thinking about running a deficit.  This of course will mean running at a loss, which is what you want to do.  The last thing you want is to collect more income (in the form of weight).

We have to be republican about things and lower our taxes (intake of food) but in an obverse fashion.  We have to drastically lower our intake of taxes from the poor (fatty and carb rich foods) and increase taxation of job providers (protein and vitamin rich foods).  These will create the jobs (more muscle) that will burn more fat in the future.


Here you need to be democratic and be lavish on the spending of revenue (exercise).  Make sure all the constituencies get some (exercise the entire body) but also fund some special programs to fund those job creators.  Those muscles will later on scream for more revenue to spend (burn fat)

Each day will be your fiscal year.  Tote up the losses happily as you recklessly spend your way down to nothing.

Striking a balance

Once you do get to your ideal weight you need to put the brakes on the spending and increase the tax revenue.

More importantly once you do get to that ideal weight you will want to become a libertarian and pass a balanced budget amendment to maintain your weight.